uPP! Orders
Try uPP! Orders, a multiplatform app running on both iPad and Android tablets, that supports sales reps in collecting sales orders. It simplifies your salespeople life and makes them more productive and effective in mobility. Making your PDF catalogues interactive and integrating it with your ERP, uPP! Orders provide sales reps with the perfect tool for order collection.
Why you should choose uPP! Orders
- It leverages existing PDF catalogues, making them interactive and thus minimizing the administrative burden.
- It is available for both iPad and Android tablets, providing the same functionality on both platforms
- It works either on-line and off-line, allowing its use when no connectivity is available
- It seamlessly integrates with any ERP, making it a perfect tool for businesses
- It is built and customized just for your company, allowing to publish it on online stores
What uPP! Orders offers
- Interactive PDF catalogue. Your existing PDF catalogues are automatically made interactive
- Dynamic management of contents. Manage all the app contents in real-time, through a user-friendly Content Management System
- Product cart. Modify discounts, stock availability, giveaways and other attributes of products in the cart
- Customer records. Achieve complete visibility of your customers’ data and business-related attributes
- Price list and discounts. Manage different price lists and/or discounts, depending on the sales rules of your company
- Orders dispatch. Dispatch the order to your ERP or queue it for future revisions; email a copy to your customer
- Sales rep dashboard. All statistical information about your customers and sales rep activities are readily available
- Integration with ERP. Get the full integration, whatever ERP is in use by your company
- Available for iOS and Android. Publish the app on Apple Store and/or Play Store, without any download limit
…and many more!